// ParsleyConfig definition if not already set window.ParsleyConfig = window.ParsleyConfig || {}; window.ParsleyConfig.i18n = window.ParsleyConfig.i18n || {}; // Define then the messages window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en = $.extend(window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en || {}, { defaultMessage: "This value seems to be invalid.", type: { email: "This value should be a valid email.", url: "This value should be a valid url.", number: "This value should be a valid number.", integer: "This value should be a valid integer.", digits: "This value should be digits.", alphanum: "This value should be alphanumeric." }, notblank: "This value should not be blank.", required: "This value is required.", pattern: "This value seems to be invalid.", min: "This value should be greater than or equal to %s.", max: "This value should be lower than or equal to %s.", range: "This value should be between %s and %s.", minlength: "This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.", maxlength: "This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.", length: "This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.", mincheck: "You must select at least %s choices.", maxcheck: "You must select %s choices or fewer.", check: "You must select between %s and %s choices.", equalto: "This value should be the same." }); // If file is loaded after Parsley main file, auto-load locale if ('undefined' !== typeof window.ParsleyValidator) window.ParsleyValidator.addCatalog('en', window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en, true);